Cheapside Primary

We are holding a netball/ball skills sports club at your school, open to both girls and boys of all abilities. The main target of our coaching is to encourage the children to have fun, whilst developing individual capability, confidence, co-ordination, social skills, and fitness. This helps to promote a healthy lifestyle in a happy, safe, professional environment with the children benefiting from fun regular exercise.

All our coaches are dedicated, enthusiastic, first aid trained and have relevant DBS checks. Sessions involve; Fun warm ups – Skills and Drills – Match – Player of the Day

Places at the after school club are limited and are strictly on a first come first serve basis. Any unsuccessful applicants due to over subscription will be contacted.

Please contact us for a free taster session

Venue: Cheapside Primary School

Dates: Mondays 28th April – 21st July 2025 until 4.20pm

Costs: For the FULL term = £93.50 Please make payment by electronic transfer.

Account details: Initial Sports, Sort Code 20-02-53, Account No 50102458. (Please state school (CPS) and child’s name as reference)

Kit Needed: T-shirt, shorts/joggers, socks and trainers. (Please note we do take place in all weather, so ensure warm, waterproof clothing). Always remember a drink.

Registration Form

If your child suffers with asthma/allergies please ensure they always have their inhalers/Epi-Pen. 

By submitting this form I acknowledge and accept the organisers and their respective servants, agents or employees of this activity, are not liable for any loss, damage of property or injury whilst attending this activity.

I hereby authorize the staff of initial sports to give consent for necessary medical treatment on my behalf should my child require this in an emergency situation. I further authorise the staff to institute appropriate first aid measures in the event of illness or injury.

I confirm I have made an electronic transfer or will will make the payment online (functionality coming soon).